Friday, May 18


Czezk it

HD Trailers up
Rails Envy - LOL

Child Fatality Remix - So bad...

Jet Li vs. Jason Stathan in WAR - This film looks great...

War Trailer

Cat Bow Golf - So good

Neat music video - Reminds me of ascii matrix

New antigravity helicopter - heheh

Fatal crash - Nice, this lady tries to run through a toll booth while being chased by a highway patrolman. She crashed right into one of the bunkers and the car explodes. Skillz

Ownage: PiratesIII + DK

SCARY: Wallmaster

Monday, May 14

Post 250

Microsoft's Ofone

George Lucas Announces Two More Live Action Star Wars Movies - From /film
We absolutely knew that George Lucas was not done with the Star Wars universe. The Star Wars creator revealed to Fox News that he will make two more live-action Star Wars films.

Don't get too scared though, the article goes on to say:
The two “extra” movies will probably be one hour in length and made for television.

"How's the bread?", 'OHhh, So good...'

Motion Binding
- A very neat optical illusion

Rick James Version