Saturday, October 7

Cucoo pants list, Alan Wake Impression, and a Violent Report

Alan Wake footage - ..................

Hilarious Impressions by Frank Caliendo - The John Madden parts are the best

Yes!... Another great Zelda comic

Top 211 Star Wars Lines Improved by Adding 'Pants' - (risque humor)
So awesome though.
I find your lack of pants disturbing.
I only hope that when the pants are analyzed a weakness can be found

Hilarious Violence Report - What a fabulous ending


Thursday, October 5

Line rider skills

Line rider is a neat little 'flash toy'. As the author says:
Its not a game, its a toy. What i mean is there is no goals to achive and there is no score.
It's highly addictive, and there are many neat tricks you can do.
For starters, try to do:
a backflip
a frontflip
a 'kip-up'
a full loop

For inspirations watch some videos here
(be sure to watch 'line rider loops', which was drawn in one try O_O_O_O)

Wednesday, October 4

The Purification - These countdown sites are appearing more and more frequently... There's always something intriguing about them, even though they usually turn out to be something stupid.

Halo Wars - Very well done trailer

New VG Cats ^_^ - I've recently been playing through the original doom games. They're so much fun. I'm about half-way through Final Doom right now. I wish there was co-op in the old games...

Tuesday, October 3

falling behind

Here's a filler post to tie you over till tomorrow afternoon


Monday, October 2

<3 Nintendo

Nintendo has so many nostalgic handholds into my heart. Ah, good times...

Fantastic Sting Quartet Zelda Medley

WarioWare Demo
So I guess Nintendo's sticking with the toilet talk naming system since they've decided to name this installment of warioware 'smooth moves'
great job there =/
Looks like a really great game though. I know that everyone in my family is going to be waiting in line to play once I get one.

Sunday, October 1

October already

September just flew by. In retrospect, everything moves faster. I can recall each and every day of this past month, what I did on that day, how I was feeling, what I was thinking, and so on with a quick glance at my journal. It's scary how short it seemed though.

Here are a few links for you guys to start off the month with

Skeet shooting evolved - Why shoot clay pidgeons when you can shoot cars? It looks like some of the effects here are fake. When I first saw the anti-tank missle, I was wondering how he was going to hit the car with it. Answer: fake the shot. Still entertaining though

'New-ish' WII Trailer - yes, this came out on the 14th, but I'm a busy man! I can't always have timely content. This has been sitting around in my 'to blog' folder for weeks... Looks pretty neat though. I think excite truck looks like one of the best games show here. The sketchy handling of the truck will probably mesh well with the controller.
