Saturday, November 4

Great Moments in VGmusic

This is a series of 'ytmnd's' that documents famous game tunes. As Djpretzel of Overclocked Remix says
this music is not disposable or merely background, but is as intricate, innovative, and lasting as any other form
Great Moments in Video Game Music

Part 1 - Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega Genesis: Chemical Plant Zone - One of the most recognizable sega riffs aside from the original opening roll (listen to it here also) One of my favorite songs.

Part 3 - Super Metroid, SNES: Lower Norfair - Fire, brimstone, lava, and all that jazz. MetroidMetal has a great remix of this one.

Part 5 - A Link to the Past, SNES: Overworld theme - If you ever need some music to inspire you to go out and do some questing, this is it. (Or maybe hyrule field theme? [remixed here very well by 'ipso80'])

Part 7 - F-Zero, SNES: Mute City - If you've got twitch reflexes, then F-Zero's for you

Part 8 - CONTRA!!!, NES: Level 1 - Anytime you mention CONTRA! you must pronounce it in all caps, with at least one exclamation mark. That's how HARDCORE it is. My only remark about level 1 is why? Why make the first level so hard that you spend half your quarters on it? Psh, stupid Konami. At least it had the konami code...

Part 10 - Pokemon, GameBoy: Battle Theme - My, haven't we all heard this thousands of times? Yes, it was a plague on the world, yet we all fell prey to its enticements. (It has its uses though...)

New Smash Bros. Brawl gameplay video

Friday, November 3

messed up drafts

So now I know that drafts are posted at the time you save them? I made a few the other day, thinking that when I posted them they'd be at the top of the page, but when I just completed them right now, they got posted 'yesterday'. Very strange. Just a heads up so you know to scoll down a bit and see them.
And links in case you're too lazy.

Thursday, November 2


This is by far the best video I've seen in a month

Subtitles here

Will it blend?

What a great idea for a show. Now they just need to get some bunnies or... coughcough never mind.
The synopsis is this: The show is marketing for Blendtec, a company that, as you probably guessed, sells high end blenders and other kitchen utilities. The site and channel on youtube just showed up three days ago but as "acetracer" says in the channel comments:
"I commend you on one of the best marketing tactics I've ever seen. I even want one and I have no need for a blender."

I have to agree that it's a very interesting concept. On their site, they even divide up the experiments into try this at home and don't try this at home categories, so you know what will and won't mess up your blender.

And now without further delay, the episodes to date:
Ice into snow
Coke+Chicken O_o sick
Extra Value Meal - 1500 calories in a glass
Rake Handle

(The blenders they use typically have 3 HP. I have a vitamix blender that has 2 peak horsepower. 3 hp is really powerful...)

Wednesday, November 1

yes, more japanese stuff - sue me

Arctic Japanese Researchers send a message home - Why don't with do this with our foreign troops?

Great Japanese Nike Commercial - Go go power rangers!
(just a heads up: there's some blurred out parts at the end where you may want to avert your eyes)
Talent - Some people just shouldn't have jobs involving manual labor

New Street Fighter Movie Announced - What's with the story focusing on Chun-Li though?

amBX, ambient special effects for games - Just when you thought your surround sound system was impressive...

Why anyone would try this is is a mystery - What a great idea

Vanilla Ice - Need I say more? This is hilarious. Also, check out this parody


If you've been around here for any amount of time you should be convinced that Japan has some very tweaked ideas of entertainment. Yes, Japanese TV is a reccuring theme, but only because it's so messed up. Still in denial? Then I give you CNC - The Chimpan News Channel
If you want more, check out parts 2, 3, and 4. You really only need to watch the first one to get a good idea of how crazy it is though.

November already

Time flies eh? Pretty soon we'll start seeing Chistmas decoration at the mall, and be hearing that smarmy music all over again.

Anyways, sorry about the trickling updates. Expect it to stay like that for the rest of this week.

for now, check out executive dad

Monday, October 30

tiny post

Skills at the oil change - I've always wondered what this would look like