this music is not disposable or merely background, but is as intricate, innovative, and lasting as any other formGreat Moments in Video Game Music
Part 1 - Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega Genesis: Chemical Plant Zone - One of the most recognizable sega riffs aside from the original opening roll (listen to it here also) One of my favorite songs.
Part 3 - Super Metroid, SNES: Lower Norfair - Fire, brimstone, lava, and all that jazz. MetroidMetal has a great remix of this one.
Part 5 - A Link to the Past, SNES: Overworld theme - If you ever need some music to inspire you to go out and do some questing, this is it. (Or maybe hyrule field theme? [remixed here very well by 'ipso80'])
Part 7 - F-Zero, SNES: Mute City - If you've got twitch reflexes, then F-Zero's for you
Part 8 - CONTRA!!!, NES: Level 1 - Anytime you mention CONTRA! you must pronounce it in all caps, with at least one exclamation mark. That's how HARDCORE it is. My only remark about level 1 is why? Why make the first level so hard that you spend half your quarters on it? Psh, stupid Konami. At least it had the konami code...
Part 10 - Pokemon, GameBoy: Battle Theme - My, haven't we all heard this thousands of times? Yes, it was a plague on the world, yet we all fell prey to its enticements. (It has its uses though...)