Saturday, February 17

5 seconds

Ok, so here's the deal, I meant to post this Saturday. Before work I made this draft with one or two videos, but never got around to posting it. Meh... Anyways, enjoy!

The Empire Strikes Back in 5 Seconds
- Hilarious


Return of the Jedi in 5 seconds - Still rofl

This ridiculous looking Australian rabbit would be a cool pet

JP Bowling Alley Games - Ok, I don't actually know for sure if Japanese people have bowling alleys like we do, but check out their lobby games. This is so much cooler than a "claw" game. I mean, just look at that thing waddling around

Polite Distances

Friday, February 16


More previews of "The Force Unleashed" - Why do they throw droids around for these tests?

Owned Compilation - Lots of old ones, but a few originals I haven't seen before

Stadium Demolition - skip the first minute or so. It sure falls down fast

This is what you do if you're a congressman. And you're bored. And haven't eaten lunch yet

How Native Americans Made Smoke Signals. An informative tutorial. As you may have guessed, this smoke signal says "We're complete idiots"

Excellent Anti-Tank Missile Developed By French Military - They'll own you on the battlefield

Beatboxing Flute Playing Super Mario Guy - Pretty cool

Neat Aerial Pictures


Thursday, February 15

YTMND Thursday!

Indiana Jones Three Special Edition - So awesomely nostalgic. I love the music

Mario Loves Dragonforce - As do I

Epic House Maneuver - If he got away with it, that would have been insanely epic

Yarr, Piracy! - Flying Spaghetti Monster is a perfect spokesman for piracy

It's A Monster

Irony in Advertising - Mcdeath

Greek MythologYTMND
- Epic Icarus Maneuver (took so long to find that music: it's awesome)

Anna IS still dead

Unsettling Truth



Swedish people are awesome - Pictures of the railway station in Stockholm, Sweden

Ancient but still funny - Bears + Trampoline * Tranquilizer = Recipe for hilarity

Full House Sports - The wii sports theme fits perfectly with oldschool sitcoms

Because I CAN - Is this really what Belgian children watch?!?! Dude! O_O

(short post; YTMND Thursday coming up)

Wednesday, February 14

Valentines Day

an xkcd strip

Now have some Valentines Day themed YTMND's and videos!

V-day Card Fads

Star Wars V-day Cards

Bunnies Can't Date!

Valentines Day Pictures

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

Tuesday, February 13

Ninja Hunger Force

RVB - Go Go Gadget Video

OSAMA TEAM HUNGER FORCE - AWESOMESAUCE! Seriously, that's hilarious "we will disrupt their workday with a mildly offensive blinking neon lights!"

Plen - the "I own you at skating" robot

Fake Photo Booth

Dunk Failure

Stupid noobs try to rob a store - head ownage ensues

Ninja Warrior - Ultimate ownage
I think I could do ok on those courses. I weigh a good 50% more than that guy, but those challanges aren't too bad. I'd totally want to try it out. Looks so awesome

Monday, February 12

"some people" can't dance - I actually think that 60% of all people can't dance

JPTV - 10 hours and 1300 folds gets you a Phoenix. Guy needs to find a girlfriend....

Chicken Ref's - Two rabbits start fighting, and then two chickens run in to scold them?

SLOTHS! - not entirely safe for work

Kicked in the head with an ice skate blade - yea, that probably hurt