Friday, February 23


Epic Policeman Maneuver - This officer jump out of a moving car, runs at a large group of demonstrators and singlehandedly breaks up the crowd. Ownage

Fanta Commercials w/ Subs - These are so funny

Pictures - Souvenirs in Perspective

Guerrilla Mail - This neat app sets you up with a temporary email address that expires after 15 minutes. Perfect for singing up with a site know to spam

Skills - Drawing a metroid

Neat Space Invaders Rug - This would be so cool to have in my room

All-Star Dance Off - Don't know how I missed this. Shaq owns the competition

Jay - 2/3rds of everyone are ridiculously stupid. Ok, I can name all three, can you?

Thursday, February 22

YTMND Thursday + You're On Notice

So, I officially have over 40 ytmnd's in my folder. We'll get through 10 or so today I guess...
Oh, and btw, I'm snowboarding tomorrow, so don't expect an update.
EDIT: Or... not. The people I was going up with had a family emergency and the trip's canceled. >_<

And now the main event:

The Future Of Warfare - "I needa get me one of these" Good music btw

Centrifugal Force - Once again, good music, and a lol worthy xkcd strip

Epic Sportacus Golfing Maneuver

Animals In Ur Stuff - YUM BACON!

LOL Tank

Infinite Baby Tunnel - O_O
Original Baby Tunnel Here

Epic Child Maneuver - Lol Barrel Roll

E(pick) And Eat Maneuver

In Case Of Zombie Attack... - Now that's good preparation

HILARITY - This is so funny for some reason

Italian Star Wars - "No thank you"

And Lastly To Be Appropriately Random: I AM TEH CHEEZ

What's your favorite? Tell me in teh commentz!

Wednesday, February 21

The 200

Because it couldn't wait


Oh, and this is the 200th post btw... *cue balloons and confetti*


Escalator interviews - Seems like a good idea to me...

JPTV - Impressive High Speed Camera Compilation

Article - Surgeons That Play Videogames 1337-er Than Non Gamer Surgeons
Pretty neat findings

Awww - Poor kid falls off the swing into a large puddle, then gets smacked in the face by the returning swing

Ask-A-Ninja - Ninja Poetry

Neat Stunt - Two Guys Sling A Little Kid Into A 1 1/2 Back

Tuesday, February 20

Slippery Fat Man Devoured By Time Lapse Cockroaches

Epic Line Rider Map - Once again, who takes the time to draw something like this?

Icy Sidewalks + Camcorder = Hilarity

Neat LA and SF time lapse

WTF? - Nearly Naked Fat Man Parades For Camera In Sub Zero Weather

Gross out moment of the day - Deep sea cockroaches devour dead... something. Only on Japanese TV

Monday, February 19

See it before it's gone

The 2007 NBA Slam Dunk Contest - My favorite going into it was last year's winner, the short but powerful 5'6" Nate Robinson. He makes me feel bad that at 6'2" I can just barely touch rim