Tuesday, August 8

Paper for your wall

First off, who doesn't need new wallpapers? There are plenty of clever sites out there with greta free papers. Try to steer away from the more sleazy sites that have lots of advertising, and stick to the more artsy ones.
To start you off here are a few sites I really like

Xanthic has great "new age-ish" wallpapers. I'm a huge fan of his abstract collection:

Pixelgirl... well, um... I'm hesitant to admit that I do occasionaly use papers indexed on her site. While it is more "girly", you will stumble across a good one now and then.

Vladstudio is not only a good source for wallpaper, but also a great resource for you aspiring artists out there. He has a few neat tutorials you might want to read.

Depthcore. Amazing modern art.

Mandolux is great for when you need some high quality double screen paper. Check out his archive.

Hopefully this'll set you up for a bit. I like to swith out my wallpaper "sets" about once every three weeks.
If you have your own neat source for wallpaper, feel free to share!

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