Sunday, October 1

October already

September just flew by. In retrospect, everything moves faster. I can recall each and every day of this past month, what I did on that day, how I was feeling, what I was thinking, and so on with a quick glance at my journal. It's scary how short it seemed though.

Here are a few links for you guys to start off the month with

Skeet shooting evolved - Why shoot clay pidgeons when you can shoot cars? It looks like some of the effects here are fake. When I first saw the anti-tank missle, I was wondering how he was going to hit the car with it. Answer: fake the shot. Still entertaining though

'New-ish' WII Trailer - yes, this came out on the 14th, but I'm a busy man! I can't always have timely content. This has been sitting around in my 'to blog' folder for weeks... Looks pretty neat though. I think excite truck looks like one of the best games show here. The sketchy handling of the truck will probably mesh well with the controller.



Anonymous said...

You need to find some way to make your links automatically open in a new tab. I'm to lazy to make two whole clicks, just because the scroll click on my mouse doesn't work. xD

Austin said...
