Monday, January 15


Best High Speed Camera Compilation Ever - Most Impressive

Gamespot gives warioware a 9.1
- I needs to get me a wii

New Ask-a-Ninja - Nintechnology

Prntscrn for n00bs - Niiiice

The iPhone is everything!

Colbert's Take on the iPhone

Slick kid - such a cute commercial

Uhhh, yeaaaa... - We know she isn't the brightest but come on, this is ridiculous. What a great ending

'Bear Suit' inventor designs 'trojan' suit with U.S. special forces in mind - Seems like a cool guy, but I doubt that this will catch on. Looks totally awesome though. Imagine walking around in downtown S.F. wearing one of these. That would be so cool

Amazing transformation - Stanford sucks though. roll on you Bears!

Ouch, Paula Abdul being more smashed than usual - Not. Good.


Anonymous said...

I'm guaranteed a Wii Sunday. =D This game is mine.

I think I've said that Well, this time I'm getting in line hardcorely.

Anonymous said...

Btw, I thought you didn't read digg? I saw all of the other links in your post in the last few weeks on there. =D

If you found them all independently, that's pretty skills

Austin said...

Nope, they were all harvested from sources other than digg. I don't have time to wade through all the retartedness on digg. Much better to have 40 quick sources to check, than one large one that takes an hour each day