Thursday, January 25

Happy Winter-een-mas

American Idol 6 Reject: Janita Burks - Scaryyy

It's PIE VS. CAKE DAY! Choose a side, but keep in mind:
Both pie and cake can have filling, but cake has frosting where as pie can have whipped cream. I'm a pie guy myself... Die Cake fans!

It's Winter-een-mas!!!! Check out the wiki, it'll explain the holiday and recommend good ways to celebrate

Macgruber! pt1. - I would post parts 2 and 3, but... they kinda aren't funny, and are also slightly nsfw

Things you Can't do when you're Not in a pool - lol


Anonymous said...

the pool video was on the youtube homepage some months ago

I loled then.

btw, do you get my emails anymore? or do you just absorb them?

Austin said...

I respond to most emails within 5 hours or so. I haven't received any from you in a few days. Stupid goowy.
So, no, resend them

Anonymous said...


Austin said...

I'll remember to hurt you next time I see you

Anonymous said...

You scared me so much I didn't come to church today.