Thursday, February 22

YTMND Thursday + You're On Notice

So, I officially have over 40 ytmnd's in my folder. We'll get through 10 or so today I guess...
Oh, and btw, I'm snowboarding tomorrow, so don't expect an update.
EDIT: Or... not. The people I was going up with had a family emergency and the trip's canceled. >_<

And now the main event:

The Future Of Warfare - "I needa get me one of these" Good music btw

Centrifugal Force - Once again, good music, and a lol worthy xkcd strip

Epic Sportacus Golfing Maneuver

Animals In Ur Stuff - YUM BACON!

LOL Tank

Infinite Baby Tunnel - O_O
Original Baby Tunnel Here

Epic Child Maneuver - Lol Barrel Roll

E(pick) And Eat Maneuver

In Case Of Zombie Attack... - Now that's good preparation

HILARITY - This is so funny for some reason

Italian Star Wars - "No thank you"

And Lastly To Be Appropriately Random: I AM TEH CHEEZ

What's your favorite? Tell me in teh commentz!


Anonymous said...

My parents won't/can't drive up to the snow with our non-4x4, so the prospects are very dim unless we go up with someone else who has a 4x4. Sigh.

I'll probably have to go up with my friend from college who's offered...or you if you so invite. bleh

Anonymous said...

Oh, and best one is xkcd one. But since I've already read it, I'll go for kid barrel roll