Thursday, May 31


Rock'n'roll McDonO's

Ytmnd Fads

28 days later: Smarteness

LOL: Pirates on a budget

Psychedelic Vision Simulation - this is ownage

This is pirates

lol, cyberpunk - 2nd best this week. Neat how both bests are Juno Reactor

lol, streetview
- LINK "sunny san fransisco" lol, FAIL!

lol, death

Ninjas stare into your soul

Gandalf Veto's Legislation

Medieval MXC - OWNAGE

Map of europe - "actually..."


Mute city vs. Mute city - SSBM remix FTW!!! It owned so much. If anyone knows where I can get a SSBM OST... 2 seconds later edit: ZOMG FOUND!

Max banned the wrong...

Cloud is teh exzellent

Anime convention skills ftw

YTMND rules the internets - well, not 4chan

Eyes... - warning: graphic, but funny

Dark water...

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