Tuesday, March 4

Falling Behind

This past week has been busy. Much busier than is good for a person's sanity. I apologize as always for slipping behind. As a token of my goodwill I present three, yes, count them, three pictures.
Here goes:

- Pillow

I like the gold lighting here. It's always nice to set things up right with a white balance that looks good. It helped alot that the shade for the lamp is yellowish also. It gives the lighting a sunny look. I also like the shadows on the edge of the pillow. Very fun

- California Snow

The sharpness here isn't great, but I still like this shot. Taken around Christmas time when everyone is decorating.

- Murk

The color here turned out really nice. It's an edge of a pipe that takes water into and out of the lagoons that are around the peninsula I live on. The sun reflecting through the water looked very neat, as did the algae on top of the pipe. It was very slippery though!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the second and the third. Even though the second one isn't in focus it still has a great feel. The third one is very interesting. I like how you can't really tell what it is. The algea is really in focus, and you don't really know what's behind it. It's a neat shot.