Wednesday, November 8

advanced telemarketing logic

PS3 advanced? Yea right - old ps2 ad

Speaking of the ps3... Sony has released two new ads. While being much better than the infamous "demon baby" commercial that ran during the world series, I still think they're a bit out there. Check them out:
PS3 Rubics Cube
Sixaxis can move eggs!

ULTIMATE telemarketer prank - Stunningly funny

Logic, some people just don't have it - These roadblocks are set up so that only special busses are allowed through, but some drivers try to sneak by in back of the bus...

Transport the watermelon game - As you guessed, something this bizarre could only come from you know where.

College students aren't the brightest - skills

GOW awarded unheard of 10/10 by 1up /9.4 from ign - I'm probably going to break down and cough up the dough for a 360

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