Monday, November 6

Interesting Japanese Smoke Removal Commercial - See, why not allow people that want to shorten their lifespans to do so? Seems like a neat idea.

Super Gorio Bros IRL - What's up with the b button? O_o

More Diet Coke and Mentos - 251 bottles of Diet Coke and over 1,500 Mentos mints. Nice.

The reason the internet is great - because this video has 764,800 views, 8 awards, and 4,357 favorites.

Fakewarrant - Make a warrant for your friend or siblings arrest!
This script has been created for district courts all across the United States with the intent of improving national security by reducing the amount of time it takes for our public guardians to create search warrants. By entering information into this form and clicking on the "Generate Warrant for National Security" button below, you are taking full responsibility for the PDF file generated.

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