Saturday, November 4

Great Moments in VGmusic

This is a series of 'ytmnd's' that documents famous game tunes. As Djpretzel of Overclocked Remix says
this music is not disposable or merely background, but is as intricate, innovative, and lasting as any other form
Great Moments in Video Game Music

Part 1 - Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega Genesis: Chemical Plant Zone - One of the most recognizable sega riffs aside from the original opening roll (listen to it here also) One of my favorite songs.

Part 3 - Super Metroid, SNES: Lower Norfair - Fire, brimstone, lava, and all that jazz. MetroidMetal has a great remix of this one.

Part 5 - A Link to the Past, SNES: Overworld theme - If you ever need some music to inspire you to go out and do some questing, this is it. (Or maybe hyrule field theme? [remixed here very well by 'ipso80'])

Part 7 - F-Zero, SNES: Mute City - If you've got twitch reflexes, then F-Zero's for you

Part 8 - CONTRA!!!, NES: Level 1 - Anytime you mention CONTRA! you must pronounce it in all caps, with at least one exclamation mark. That's how HARDCORE it is. My only remark about level 1 is why? Why make the first level so hard that you spend half your quarters on it? Psh, stupid Konami. At least it had the konami code...

Part 10 - Pokemon, GameBoy: Battle Theme - My, haven't we all heard this thousands of times? Yes, it was a plague on the world, yet we all fell prey to its enticements. (It has its uses though...)

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