Thursday, November 2

Will it blend?

What a great idea for a show. Now they just need to get some bunnies or... coughcough never mind.
The synopsis is this: The show is marketing for Blendtec, a company that, as you probably guessed, sells high end blenders and other kitchen utilities. The site and channel on youtube just showed up three days ago but as "acetracer" says in the channel comments:
"I commend you on one of the best marketing tactics I've ever seen. I even want one and I have no need for a blender."

I have to agree that it's a very interesting concept. On their site, they even divide up the experiments into try this at home and don't try this at home categories, so you know what will and won't mess up your blender.

And now without further delay, the episodes to date:
Ice into snow
Coke+Chicken O_o sick
Extra Value Meal - 1500 calories in a glass
Rake Handle

(The blenders they use typically have 3 HP. I have a vitamix blender that has 2 peak horsepower. 3 hp is really powerful...)

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