Tuesday, December 5


Whenever that music starts playing.. I get chills... Every Halo "commercial" so far has had that effect. The new Halo3 ad keeps the trend going. It's so great, I can't describe it. Watch for yourself. DL the HD version, turn off the lights, and turn up the sound.


Anonymous said...



*well, not quite, since I typed this*

Austin said...

What you should have said is: "Not quite, since I used this text to speech program end of line"

Anonymous said...

I thought you banned BSG references.


Austin said...

Tron - 1982 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084827/
BSG - 2003

You're such a n00b lols
Master Control Program: End of Line!

Anonymous said...

Uh...am I expected to know of Tron?

Btw, why do you? >_> Lol

Austin said...

Because it's a totally ownage movie, and everyone who's a real geek has seen it at least once.

Know your culture man...