Very neat compilation of Ray Harryhausen's best creations - Huge squirrels, giant enemy crabs, baboons playing chess, and even elephant sized walruses! What more could one ask for? It's amazing to think that this was once groundbreaking tehcmology... I mean technology
The return of the well oiled movers - now with stairs.
Manatees = funny - lols
SSX Blur preview - I'm interested how the control scheme is going to affect gameplay. I wonder how it'll work...
WarioWare preview - this game looks amazingly fun.
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Dude, you've had a ton of nice-looking posts lately. I'll have to check them out more carefully soon, haven't clicked all the links yet.
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the Wii lineup. SSX Blur could be AWESOME, so could Warioware. And don't even get me started on the potential awesomeness of Mario Party 8.
Just kidding about that last one.
It'd be nice if I had a larger audience and could afford to get some good hosting. You don't see many pro's on blogspot. Anyways, tell your friends and link from social networking sites.
Warioware looks like one of the best games right now. It's going to be amazing.
Oh, and you should get coredumped for making MP jokes. "Why they call it final fantasy lols?"
i love my Wii. Haven't played anything but Zelda yet. who would? haha
nice blog
Just be glad you have one spike. Every time stores around me get shipments, people are lined up the day before. >_<
K. Target. Sunday at 5 a.m. Me. Wii. Or else.
Get two and I'll pay 10% markup
1 per customer
Anyway, I'm hoping it will be good because my friend who works at Target told me about it; it hasn't been an "official" hold date. Insider information, if you will. =D
First, I'll get Zelda. Then I'll use mental willpower to force Nintendo to release Space Station: Silicon Valley 64 for the Virtual Console. YUM.
If you haven't played Silicon Valley for the N64, you missed out.
habesne drivers license?
Have whoever takes you over buy one...
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