Monday, January 29

We're Back

Ok, calm down, post latency has been restored. We will now return to a predictable updating schedule. Thank you for your patience

Neat+Useful hidden Firefox pages - about:cache for the win

Scary Obesity Facts - uh:
9. Virgin Atlantic paid Barbara Hewson from Wales the equivalent of US$24,100 in 2002 as compensation after she was squashed by an obese person sitting next to her on a transatlantic flight. Barbara suffered a blood clot in her chest, torn leg muscles, and acute sciatica and was bedridden for a month.

13. Two years ago, the Hardee's fast-food chain introduced the 1,420-calorie 107-fat-gram "Monster Thickburger." It contains two 1/3-pound slabs of Angus beef, four strips of bacon, three slices of cheese, and mayonnaise on a buttered sesame-seed bun.

The Ferrari E200 - um, this is totally unrelated, but you know, my birthday is coming up soon. The end of February. Just keep that in mind

Melting Glacier - Neat

New Black Mesa Source Teaser

Slow Motion Shrimp Jumping Ownage!!!! - I love how Japanese people say the English equivalent of "wow". "OOOWAAAA!!!!!" Btw, it's not just shrimp. Lots of neat slo-mo stuff. The dog barking is especially hilarious

Beatbox recipe - skills

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