Friday, February 16


More previews of "The Force Unleashed" - Why do they throw droids around for these tests?

Owned Compilation - Lots of old ones, but a few originals I haven't seen before

Stadium Demolition - skip the first minute or so. It sure falls down fast

This is what you do if you're a congressman. And you're bored. And haven't eaten lunch yet

How Native Americans Made Smoke Signals. An informative tutorial. As you may have guessed, this smoke signal says "We're complete idiots"

Excellent Anti-Tank Missile Developed By French Military - They'll own you on the battlefield

Beatboxing Flute Playing Super Mario Guy - Pretty cool

Neat Aerial Pictures



Anonymous said...

LOL! Yellow guy in motorcycle complete with save! (1st vid) awesome

Austin said...

I know. That was so totally owned. He probably went on to win first place and then eat the competitions' babies.