Tuesday, February 13

Ninja Hunger Force

RVB - Go Go Gadget Video

OSAMA TEAM HUNGER FORCE - AWESOMESAUCE! Seriously, that's hilarious "we will disrupt their workday with a mildly offensive blinking neon lights!"

Plen - the "I own you at skating" robot

Fake Photo Booth

Dunk Failure

Stupid noobs try to rob a store - head ownage ensues

Ninja Warrior - Ultimate ownage
I think I could do ok on those courses. I weigh a good 50% more than that guy, but those challanges aren't too bad. I'd totally want to try it out. Looks so awesome


Anonymous said...

dude. O_O it's like mario 64 in real life. that looks so fun.

Austin said...

I know, it's so cool. Don't you think I could complete the course?