Tuesday, January 22

Daily Picture #17

- Lonesome

Some random guy sitting out by the water all alone. I really like the framing the trees provided, as well as the silhouette of the guy. It looks like he's looking off to the left at the sunset. The purple of the sky also contrasts nicely with the water, and I also like how there aren't very many buildings across the bay that could be distracting. Looking back, this is a great shot which I'm very impressed with.


Anonymous said...

This one is nice. The purples are very nice. It's unusual to see an entirely purple sky. It's very cool to catch. I agree about the mans silhouette. It adds a nice calm touch.

Anonymous said...

I've been at that exact place where that guy is. I love the colors of the sky and a you said th framing of the trees around him. Sometimes I go there to be by myself. I like picture.