This shot is mostly of the water, which allows for a neat effect if the picture if flipped. Because of the lack of cues that you're looking at water, it's hard to tell which bird is the original and which is the reflection when it's flipped. Download it and try it out for yourself.
As you may have realized if you went to my flickr page, I tend to skip certain pictures in my favorites collection every now and then. They either have a more personal meaning to me, or I didn't take them, so I skip them. Here are two that I skipped today that I did take.

- Aperture

- Observer
(sketch by me)
I LOVE YOUR "APERTURE" PICTURE! The colors are vibrant with the trees on opposite sides of the photo. And is that a plane's "smoke tail" that's going downward? I really loved this picture!
You really know how to take great pictures, don't you! The colors of the "Aperture" photo are really outstanding and the "Reflection-Refraction" pic was really nice also. How long have you been sketching?
Thanks and thanks. I was a little shy about posting the aperture one. For some reason I don't think it's that good. I'm glad I decided to now though. Yes, it is a vapor trail from a plane. I live close to two airports, Oakland and SFO. I took up sketching seriously around May last year after watching MirrorMask. Here are some more of my sketches.
They tend to be very random; whatever I'm feeling at the time. Sometimes words, sometimes images, sometimes more serious thing.
I'll take some more pictures of them sometime if you'd like
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