Wednesday, January 9

Daily Picture #6 + 300th post

Woo hoo! Post #300! *looks around and notices that no one cares*
Well hopefully someone out there is still reading. I'm celebrating by posting three pictures today, which will finish up my collection of photos from Boston.

Walking Away
- Walking Away

I took a few like this and edited them slightly. I loved how there was this random reflection pool in the middle of the city. I wish we had gone there earlier in the day because we had driven by it and the water was completely calm and still and looked just like a mirror.

P-town dock
- Abandoned Dock

This looked so creepy to me. We were out on the point of the cape in the middle of a bustling downtown, and out on the beach is this abandoned dock that's falling apart. It looked so neat with the bright sand in front of it.

cape 001
- Chatham Beach and Tennis Club.

Not much to say about this one. I like the whiteness of the house I guess...

-enjoy and leave comments!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That first one is amazing. All of them are very interesting. The blue in the girls shirt really helps the blue in the water stand out. All the color, and the quality of the picture is really great.
The other two are nice as well. The white house definitely stands out nice against the green of the lawn.
Oh, and just so you know. At least one person checks out your blog. I try and check every day.

Austin said...

Thanks. Sorry about the lack of posts yesterday =P Busy busy as it were. Double post tomorrow.