Monday, March 31


Lots of new stuff in the next few days. Break was awesomely busy, and I have many new pictures up on my flickr feed. Feel free to head over there and comment.

For today:
Just thought it'd be neat to experiment with the lighting here with this chair and window.

- Beads
This one is neat because of the one bright leaf in sharp focus. Very cool

With this one I got the top of the fence, and the screen made a neat little effect with the tree. Grid-like

- Chair
It's even more noticeable here...



Anonymous said...

I went on your site and looked at all your other pictures. They're all amazing. You've got such an eye. I can definitely see you as a professional photographer. Great work!

Austin said...

Thanks. =) No plans as of yet, but we'll see. Right now it's just a hobby, but hobbies have an odd way of spiraling into more serious work.