Thursday, March 13

More New Shots

Here are some more new pictures taken with the new camera. Let me know what you think of them.


Red Moonlight
- Red Moonlight

Making good use of the zoom

Blue skies
- Blue Skies

I really like how crisp this looks

Green Fence
- Green Fence

Once again the crispness and clarity is great

Red Barbs
- Red Barbs


Testing out the macro a bit...

Hidden Purple
- Hidden Purple

All about the subtleties of the composition here...

Dark Garden
- Dark Garden

Looks creepy, and the flower leaves were so weird; all crinkled.

- Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

They're all great. The crispness though, as you said, really stands out in those couple. I also really like the second one. The composition is great with the twigs, sky, and then the moon in the corner.

Austin said...

Thanks =)