Monday, September 18

long awaited 9-18 update

So, sorry for being so sporatic in the update schedule. I've been busy with school, and recently was recruited by the Oakland Strokes, a nationally ranked crew team. Their girls team has won nationals 2 years in a row... they're a faily well known team, and that's been taking up a fe of my afternoons, along with schoolwork.

And now, links time:

More pranks from Japan
I don't know what it is about the japanese, but they seem to get so much enjoyment from tormenting random people. It's amusing in a twisted way...

HHMV - Hollywood Halo Music Video
This is by far one of the best video I found last week. If you loved RVB, you'll love this one. (more vids by hollywood halo here)

Male Restroom Etiquette
Yes, it's more machinama. This is a hilarious video explaining, you guessed it - male restroom ettiquette, using the sims 2 engine. A bit long, but totally worth it.

enjoy, more coming later

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