Friday, September 22

Lost Odyssey

More stop motion - 'My animated world'

Insane Korean Archery Skills
I can't decide what's better, the archers, or the audience sound effects.

Bangkok Insurance

I wonder what mathematecal model they used to come up with those percentages.

Amazing looking game - Lost Odyssey
This is the intro to the 360 game 'Lost Odyssey', by Mistwalker studios.
You play as Kaim, a man who's been sentenced to live for 1,000 years. The game's storyline takes you through Kaim's life as he lives through multiple generations, becomes a part of many families, falls in and out of love and gets into conflicts. All this is set in a world that is on the verge of a "mystical industrial revolution," where mankind has attained dark powers.
quote from ign
looks really neat
Now I just need someone to buy me a 360! =D

and lastly,
Donkey Kong IRL!

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