Saturday, November 25


So last night (Friday), my family and I went to see the Golden Dragon Acrobats perform at Zellerbach Theatre on the Cal Berkley campus. It was quite an amazing performance. I'm a tough critic, since I can normally do half the tricks that we see performed. This time however, I was thoroughly impressed. There were numerous acts, and the performance went on for more than 2 hours, with a short intermission. The troupe travels all around the world. If you hear of them stopping nearby, definitely check them out.
You can see some great pictures and video here. The video is excellent and really gives you a good idea of their style of performance.

Then, today I went out and saw The Prestige with my sister. It was a very solid film. While I know that it's a tad complicated for some people (I had to sit around explaining the plot to my 14 year old sister for 5 minutes after it was done), I ended up seeing what was going at a little past the half point. A friend of mine had tipped me off, and said to look out for some major plot twists, and so I paid extra close attention throughout the film. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, so I'll just say that the first twist (the secret to Danton's prestige) is notoriously easy to figure out. The second one (Borden's prestige) is much more difficult, but there are a few hints. It was a very neat film, and I recommend you go see very soon it before it leaves theatres.

While watching the previews at the theatre, one in particular caught my eye. The Fountain is a sci-fi/drama that asks some serious questions about immortality, and manipulating the body in general. It looks interesting. Anyone had a chance to see it yet?

Anyways, have a nice night


Anonymous said...

Not that you would care aboot HER opinion, but Jen said that fountain sucked. xD

Anonymous said...

I think The Fountain looks really interesting too. Some of my friends and I were talking about seeing it.

Anonymous said...

The Fountain is generally getting bad reviews, which usually doesn't mean anything, however. =P

When did you figure Danton's prestige? When the know...? *doesn't spoil* It took me until when some dudes were carting a man-sized box out of the theater after a show, when I remember the conversation about the bird, and got it.

I actually never figured out Christian Bale's trick until they tell you. Kudos to Christopher Nolan (the director)! He hid it well, but there are hints, since you got it. >_>

Anonymous said...

Woah, I take that back about the Fountain getting bad reviews. Just checked imdb. It did in our paper and on a couple sites I saw...

Austin said...

Invites me Jess!! =D

I've torrented an surprisingly good cam of it, and hope to watch it this week, unless you call sooner and want to go see it together.

I figured out Danton's when I saw the extra tophats. As I explained, I was nurturing several theories throughout the movie. Some are quite laughable. My theory that Borden had _ _____ never ran into any contrary evidence, so I ran with it the whole film. One key moment in proving it is the strange phrasing when "they" talk at the carousel.

One thing I do have to say about the fountain is that it would suck to be immortal. I'll explain my theory in more detail when I write my "review".

Anonymous said...

Don't know if I've told you this b4, but I once read a book built on the premise that Lazarus never actually died after Jesus raised him from the dead because the Bible says that "it is appointed to man once to die, and after that the judgement." So Lazarus had already been judged, "went" to heaven, and was re-summoned to life. He becomes essentially the human version of Providence and goes around holding off the apocalypse. The theology was odd in places, but it was interesting because since he could never die permanently (he dies and sort of respawns instantaneously, he suffered massive ammounts of pain and various weirdness at times.

Once he was captured around 500 A.D. I think, and knowing they couldn't kill him, his captors built him into a brick wall. He then spent several centuries scratching his way out. And he gets tortured a lot. So yeah. Immortality would be weird unless you were invulnerable to pain.