Friday, December 22

Best Toys EVAR

(read, the ten most funnest to play with toys everforever)

What a totally awesome list. I used to have some lawn darts. They were the special safety type that were anything but safe. They looked exactly like grappling hooks, and were used by my friends and me for just that purpose. That or we would play 'dodgeball' with them.

Awww. They have skydancers on the list. I used to love those things. No, not the barbie version, the manly insect version. A buddy of mine used to have on that looked like a giant dragonfly. Those things were so much fun. You could launch them at your friends face, play 'balltag' or 'dodgeball', or ever... well, I guess that's why they were banned.

Anyways, there are plenty more things on the list that will get you mad at your parents for not buying them when they were available. Enjoy.

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