Thursday, December 14

Boxed Thoughts

Boxed Thoughts appeared on the internets around the end of 2004. I found it a few days after it came up while reading some random blog.

Now what exactly is boxed thoughts?
Boxedthoughts is a collection of thoughts posted by anonymous users. Together, these thoughts form a stream of thought, or a thoughtstream. The thoughtstream represents the flow of thought or thoughts that embodies humanity.

It works basically like this: You sign up and get a number. This number is all that distinguishes you from the masses. The main page consists of the most recent thoughts in the thoughstream. As more thoughts come in, some get pushed off. You're allowed to post a new thought every 2.5 hours. It's really quite neat.

Keep in mind before you run out and jot down your life's story that you only have a 100x100 box to write in! This is really what makes the experience. You're allowed to use some neat tags to color your box, your text, and your border, in order to make things pretty. You'll also find that lots of people leave "hidden" messages in a seemingly blank box by writing in the same color of their background. Another thing you might notice is the prevalence of emoish culture. It seems that everyone out there either has a terrible live and wants to kill themself, or all they talk about is their girlfriend or boyfriend. After you learn to ignore these people, the site can really be quite fun.

One of the most interesting things about the site is the complete anonymity you have when posting. This allows you to be uber cryptic; which is very enjoyable. So get out there and pick yourself a number! Oh, and if you want some neat color codes that mesh really well, check out this site

Enjoy! And remember, Big Brother is watching....

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